How to identify the quality of the replacement screen?

How to distinguish whether the screen of our mobile phone is original after repairing the screen of our mobile phone, or when buying a second-hand mobile phone, how to distinguish whether the screen of the mobile phone is original? mobile latest news ,The original screen has these characteristics:

1. The original screen QR code is covered by a fragile film.

2. The original screen QR code is flat and clear.

3. The original screen comes with a camera positioning bracket, a distance sensing bracket, and an earpiece bracket.

4. The edge of the original LCD screen has sealant.

5. The original screen cable is relatively narrow.

6. The original screen holes are aligned.

7. The solder joints of the original screen cable are slender and neat.


What are the classifications of mobile phone screens? 

How to know the quality of screen accessories:

Can go to a third-party repair shop to repair my phone? 


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